This recipe comes from another Kindergarten teacher in my school. These are out of this world delicious and great with steaks or a prime rib dinner. If...
Roasting a head of garlic is easy and brings out that good garlicky flavor. Preparation time is 15 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
For those avoiding potatoes, this cauliflower-based recipe is heavy on the veggies and delicious! I make mine with Country Crock, Bac-O's, fresh chives...
An interpretation of my mother-in-law's whipped red potatoes that she serves for every holiday or get-together. Whether it's Christmas, Easter, or the...
5-Ingredient Fix Contest Entry. The cheese baked over the sides of the crocks, the garnish of scallions, and the dollop of sour cream to top it all off,...
Grandpa Karsky was the grandfather of my daugter's now ex-fiance and from what I hear he was a great cook and a wonderful guy. He passed away before we...
These are easy, yummy and creamy Mashed Potatoes! with subtle herbs and sour cream they turn out just perfect. They do not need gravy, whip them up when...
5-Ingredient Fix Contest Entry. My Italian heritage inspired this mashed potato side which is great to serve anytime and especially when entertaining during...
This has been a Holiday hit since I made this about ten years ago. I got the idea from several sources including soups, and instant potato packets. And...
Serve with Roasted Pork and fresh steamed green beans. I found this recipe at Tops market courtesy of Louisiana Sweet Potato Commission. I have not tried...
Entered for safe-keeping, from Kuhn Rikon's "Quick Cuisine." Simplicity! No need to peel the yams/sweet potatoes. When cooked in the pressure cooker, the...
Ready, Set, Cook! Special Edition Contest Entry: This is a great comfort food recipe that has everything, mashed potatoes, noodles, cheese, and BACON,...
"Ambot" meaning TANGY and "tik" meaning SPICY is a Popular Goan cuisine which goes extremely well with SHARK meat because of it's strong flavor. There...
Caramelized onions give this incredible side dish a subtle sweetness, and the addition of horseradish gives it a little attitude! They make an absolutely...
I love making my mashed potatoes for company. They always tell me they are the best mashed potatoes they have ever had! I know, these are not healthy but...
Official Contest Entry: Simply Potatoes 5Fix. This is so easy and so yummy - eat them at breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner side dish or as a snack. Make...
This is a great recipe from the Pioneer Woman. She says it especially great at Thanksgiving because you can make it a day ahead of time and just remove...
These are, hands down, the best mashed potatoes I have ever had -- and so very easy to make. You can also use soy milk and non-dairy butter for vegans....
This recipe of hand-mashed red potatoes with skins with a flavor mixture of bacon bits, cheese, and French onion rings could be served as a main dish if...
Every year, I created a different mashed potato recipe in an effort to satisfy guest who did not eat gravy. The goal was to make mashed potatoes so good...
These are, hands down, the best mashed potatoes I have ever had -- and so very easy to make. You can also use soy milk and non-dairy butter for vegans....
I love making my mashed potatoes for company. They always tell me they are the best mashed potatoes they have ever had! I know, these are not healthy but...
This side is a great earthy compliment to any dish. Not too sweet, not too nutty just a perfect mix. Apple cider acts as the perfect balance for just a...